Better Business Cases™ (BBC)
Learn and become certified with the New Zealand government endorsed approach to Business Case development. This is not just a process but rather a thinking tool to produce the optimal solution for a business problem. Learn how the different aspects of the 5 case models are applied from ensuring strategic alignment, choosing the most economically advantageous solutions, ensuring there is a commercial solution, ensuring affordability and setting up for successful delivery
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Qualification Courses
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Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the Foundation course, you will:
- Understand the 5 Cases (Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management) in terms of both content and implication
- Understand the BBC life cycle including the 5 Stages, 10 Steps and 35 Actions.
- Understand the progressive delivery of a Business Case including Strategic Assessment, Strategic Outline Case, Outline Business Case and Full Business Case.
- Understand the concept of the Options Framework and how that is used to turn a realistic long list of options into a short list
- Understand BBC concepts such as Spending Objectives, Benefit Types and Benefit Categories
- Understand BBC guidance on Economic Analysis
- Understand how BBC can be effectively applied to address the needs and problems of a specific project scenario.
- Be well prepared for the Foundation exam.
Participants who continue with the Practitioner course will:
- Through practical exercises and discussion gain a good understanding of how a Business Case is developed using the BBC approach.
- Understand the multi skilled approach which is required for the development of a well thought through business case
- Be well prepared for the Practitioner exam.
Learning Approach
Our training is run with the purposes of learning the theory, preparing you for the exam and applying in the real world. The sessions are a mixture of theory and discussion and practical group-based learning involving Post It notes, markers, flip chart paper. No laptops are required, all learning resources are supplied.
Our trainers apply practical examples from their decades of experience as hands-on Business Case developers and adjust the course delivery to meet the needs of the attendees.
Target Audience
- Business Case developers
- Staff working as part of the Business Case development team
- Those reviewing Business Cases
- Those working in Portfolio Offices and Benefits Management
No prerequisite is required for attendance on the Foundation course, but any Business Case exposure is an advantage. Our thorough pre-course work ensures you are ready for learning.
Participants in the Practitioner course must have completed a Foundation course either online or in person. The Practitioner exam has a pre-requisite of having passed the Foundation exam.
2 days for Foundation (15 hours) – Typically 8:30 am for an 8:45 am start and a 5:00pm finish with 1 hour for lunch and short morning and afternoon tea breaks). In addition, we suggest at least 10 hours of pre-course work and there is 1-2 hours of homework each night.
2 additional days for Practitioner
(hours and homework as above).
Once you register for the course, you will receive the “International Guide to Developing the Project Business Case” manual; Inspiring Projects BBC Desk Reference”; pre-course exercises, and the full online course. At the course you are given a folder containing copies of all the course slides, extensive notes, exam practice, exercises, and sample exams from APMG. Post-course we provide an extensive set of links to resources and templates to set you up to successfully deliver Business Cases.